Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An album called Little Waves

Little Waves is the new album's title. Little Waves is one of my 14 favorite songs on the album. It's soft and eerie,  the feeling is well captured, the arrangement is full of nuance, and the mix is both appropriately gentle and a little edgy.  Want to hear it? You can soon. Release date sometime early Summer 2011. So more about Little Waves being the album title...I remember the moment I wrote these lyrics (from little waves) "you come and go, little waves over my toes" ...."a constant tide of highs and lows, you never stay and you always know the moon calls and you crawl back home". I was sitting at the same desk I am now, thinking about relationships and the sadness that happens when the connection is broken, and the nature of cycles,waves, wavelengths of energy that we all are... Thinking about 'games' we play with each other...that men and women have played for so long.... the push and the pull..... and that is a lyric from another song "Bridges" "push me now so I can pull" ...So. Clearly I find this theme of tension and release in many aspects life and when writing Little Waves it just came pouring out from both my fingers onto my guitar and into these lyrics that fell into the melody, and it was different than anything else I had done before. When thinking about all the titles of songs on the album and of course what each song expresses, it was a close call with Little Waves and another track (not going to tell you). I felt Little Waves was the one.
  If anyone  super cool is reading this you are aware of the Tori Amos album called
Little Earthquakes...it's true I love her music, and she is a huge inspiration. When I titled
Little Waves (the song) I was not thinking of her song or album.  It did not occur
to me until I decided on it as the album title that one could infer homage to Tori, and
please infer...though it is not a direct intention to do so.  I will add that Tori Amos
is brilliant and her music is amazing and sure subconsciously maybe...anyway :)  The
Glass Audrey album Little Waves is coming soon. Thanks for reading. Listen or download original music at music.glassaudrey.com

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